Daniel Essentials Hyaluronic Acid: Hyaluronic Acid is a polysacharide that occurs naturally in the human body and works to support the body's collagen production & to help maintain elasticity, Skin, Hair, Eyes, Nerves
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Hyaluronic Acid
15 ml. / 0.5 oz ($7.00 per unit)
30 ml. / 1.0 oz ($15.00 per unit)
60 ml. / 2.0 oz ($30.00 per unit)
100 ml. / 3.3 oz ($40.00 per unit)
Sodium Hyaluronate
Purified Water
Olive Squalane
Vitamins; B, C, E
Natural Preservative
Therapeutic Properties :
Our formula include Olive Squalane a quite expensive oil which mimic the natural squalEne from the skin which disappear when aging. SqualaAne come to the rescue to bring back bright, tight & elactic skin you has in your twenties.
Enrichied with Vitamins B, C, E which are nourishing the skin.
Added with natural preservative. Essential to use or you would be required to keep the product in the fridge and the shelf life would be no more than 2 weeks starting the end of the making of the product and would do the opposite of what it is intended for (drawing moisture from your skin and drying it out) especially if you are living in a dry climate. The Natural Preservative allow the product to be used on any skin type in any climate type.
* Hyaluronic Acid is a polysacharide that occurs naturally in the human body and works to support the body's collagen production & to help maintain elasticity.
* Skin
* Hair
* Eyes
* Nerves
* Properties mentionned are for references only and not as medical facts